The first word that young Crisanto Alcozar heard in his life was ‘help.’ He was six years old. Though, admittedly, to say that he heard it is a bit of an impossibility for two reasons. First, Crisanto had been born deaf.
Read MoreIt is common in the American South for a home to have its fair share of ghosts. For what is a ghost but a struggle that deserves to be remembered? What is the south if not a lineage of ghosts?
Read MoreAs with most things of this kind, it begins just about where it ends—in the guest cottage, on the twin bed, beneath the window.
Read MoreThe interview was published on September 15th, 1982. Nearly a full year after Janet first experienced the disembodied sound. In fact, when the reporter from the Eastern Daily Press finally made his way around to the Wilstead’s home to ask if either of them had noticed any strange noises over the last few months, Janet was astounded to learn that it was not, in fact, all in her head.
Read MoreFor thousands of years, the goat has stood as a powerful symbol. Its unnatural, rectangular pupils, the strong curve of its horns, have evoked the imaginations of humans for generations. But though it’s clear the goat has a deep symbolism, when finally the residents of Inver Grove Heights were forced to come face to face with one, this certainty was joined by a new and unexpected question: A symbol of what?
Read MoreIt started one night, as she lay in bed, and was suddenly pulled from sleep by a distant sound. It was faint at first, difficult to make out. But as she focused on the noise, it slowly became chillingly clear.
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